TheSkinVet giving an evening CPD presentation to Vets & Nurses in Chichester on Canine Atopic Dermatitis
My 2015 presentation, for Vets, kindly sponsored by Dechra, was entitled “Selecting Therapy for Canine Atopic Dermatitis…Time for Realism!”. An evidence-based discussion of the Pros and Cons of the Therapeutic Interventions available for the most common cause of pruritic dermatitis in general practice. Marketing guidelines meant that I was not allowed to insert ‘Wonder Drugs’ or ‘Magic bullets’ within the title..! Further information is attached here: 20150519 TheSkinVet CPD
Pharmaceutical Sponsors Comment:
“I would like to say a huge THANK YOU! for speaking at our CPD last week, we had some really good feedback. We will be looking into further CPD and sponsorship possibilities over the coming months and would love to be able to consider you as a speaker again in the future, if you are agreeable!”
Caroline Gunter, Territory Manager, Dechra
My last presentation specifically for Clients: ‘Itchy Dogs’, in association with Wilbury Veterinary Surgery, Hove and kindly sponsored by Vetruus (see http://www.theskinvet.net/downloads-links). Further information is attached here: Wilbury’s Client Education Evening! Please contact me if you are interested in me presenting a Dermatology talk at a Client Education Evening.
I repeated my recent presentation, for Vets, this time in Chichester, West Sussex and once again kindly sponsored by Dechra, entitled “Selecting Therapy for Canine Atopic Dermatitis…Time for Realism!”. There were some new insights since the May presentation due to the ever changing world of Veterinary Dermatology. Further information is attached here: 20150916 TheSkinVet CPD Poster
I presented an international webinar in 2016, sponsored by Hill’s Pet Nutrition, entitled ‘Canine Atopic Dermatitis: Re-Constructing Skin Barrier Defence’, emphasizing both the nutritional and topical aspects of the pro-active, multimodal therapeutic approach to our most common problem canine atopic dermatitis. Here’s a link to the webinar: https://www.veterinarywebinars.com/hillswebinars/dermatology/
Nutritional Sponsor’s Comment:
“great job. the feedback from the delegates was great they loved the presentation. I think they really responded to the technical evidence based approach which is fantastic and I loved the little learning repetitions in there.
… thanks again – great job”
Suzanne O’Neill, Veterinary Affairs Manager, Hills’ Pet Nutrition Ltd
In February 2017 I presented a Update on Atopic Dermatitis for the Sussex Veterinary Society before & after dinner at the South of England Showground, Ardingly: 20170130_SVS_Feb_Meeting_Flyer
Attendee’s Comments:
“I learned lots! Was so useful thank you. So much new stuff out there.”
Dr Emiliya Peneva BVetMed BSc MRCVS
In April 2017, I presented a case-based Webinar on The Multimodal Approach to Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis, in association with Ceva Animal Health Ltd.: 20170427 Ceva CPD Webinar Press Release
Pharmaceutical Sponsors Comment:
“It was great! Thank you so much again for your time.”
Allison Henry Ceva Product Manager – Companion Animal Business Unit
US Board Certified Dermatologist Comment:
“Hello! I just visited your website and it is gorgeous! I came across a VetStream posting on Demodex gatoi in cats, and they referenced a presentation you made at a BVDSG meeting. By any chance do you have a copy of your abstract? … I want to be able to share this info with vets when I talk about feline dermatology. Thanks so much! You are the best! And your photographs are exquisite. You are incredibly generous and those cats are gorgeous!”
Dr Valerie Fadok DVM PhD Dip.ACVD
I am also available for individual or small group tutoring for in-house dermatology diagnostic tests and microscopy within veterinary practices.