The initial consultation will often last for ninety minutes:
It will usually involve an in-depth discussion of your concerns and wishes.
A review of your pet’s full medical history, and importantly, questions regarding the response to previous treatments.
Your pet will then undergo a full clinical examination, then a thorough dermatological assessment.
After the initial consultation:
Unfortunately it is impossible to cure some skin diseases especially some allergies. I will be able to help formulate treatment regimens and adjust then over time to ensure your pet experiences to best possible quality of life. New treatments become available every year around the world and I will adjust the management of each case, when necessary, to incorporate these new ideas.
It is very important that you, the owner, accompany your pet to the consultation.
If your pet has had medical insurance from before the onset of the current condition, then please contact your insurance company. It is important that you know of any possible policy exclusions, or limitations on duration of cover, before booking the appointment.
Please note payment will always be required at the time of consultation